Everything You Always Wanted to Know About AMRs
But were afraid to ask!What are Autonomous Mobile Robots
AMRs come in all shapes and sizes, from small robots carrying items around a warehouse to heavy-duty robots transporting heavy loads across long distances.
One of the biggest advantages of AMRs is their flexibility. Unlike traditional conveyor systems or fixed automation equipment, AMRs can be quickly reprogrammed or redeployed for different tasks or products. This makes them ideal for companies that need to adapt quickly to changing customer demands or supply chain disruptions.
How Do They Work
AMRs are self-driving vehicles that can operate in just about any environment. They use a combination of sensors and mapping technology to navigate their surroundings. Once an AMR has mapped out its territory with these tools, the robot can detect objects and obstacles and adjust its route accordingly.
The technology isn’t strictly limited to AMR itself. They can also communicate with other devices in the area, allowing for even greater efficiency and accuracy when completing tasks.
Where are They Used
AMRs are versatile and, as such, are capable of integrating with almost any industry.
In healthcare, AMRs are used for tasks such as delivering medications to patients, transporting medical equipment and supplies throughout hospitals, and providing assistance in surgical procedures.
In manufacturing, AMRs are used for material handling operations, such as moving goods from one location to another within factories or warehouses.
There are obvious limitations involving pathing and the size of the object or load carrying capability of the robot, but any industry is fair game.
What Mobile Robots do we Interface with?
We are an Omron distributor, and as such, we typically work with and suggest the Omron LD and HD series. In our offices, we have an Omron LD-90.
Additionally, we partner with ROEQ, a manufacturer out of Denmark that provides carts and other accessories to increase the flexibility of the machine.
Popular Autonomous Mobile Robot Examples
Ramp Systems
- RAMP wanted to offer its customers a safe and highly efficient automated transport solution.
- The company chose to work with Omron mobile robots, which provide a variety of payload options in a single, coordinated fleet.
- The systems integrator’s customers can realize an ROI of two years or less in most applications with a solution that solves a variety of delivery problems.
Juki Smart Solutions
- An American multinational contract manufacturer of electronics needed to speed up material handling and transport at its Mexico locations.
- The company employed several Omron LD mobile robots in a fleet coordinated by Omron Enterprise Manager.
- Operational costs are lower thanks to the reduction in manpower required in the stock room, and the overall footprint is also smaller than that of traditional warehousing methods.
T&W Operations
- Whether it’s quality system checks, manifest generation, or another need, Omron robotics facilitate a hands-off, fully automated conveyance system.
- Omron AMRs are powerful pieces of technology with built-in safety features that allow several options to meet a variety of large weight requirements.
- Omron AMRs have self-navigating software that detects obstacles in the way and autonomously plans a route to avoid collision or idle time by navigating around them.
Learn More About AMRs
Autonomous Mobile Robots Course
Omron has a tutorial of their HD-1500 within their mobile robots playlist.
Additionally, Omron has more in-depth materials that typically come with the purchase of an AMR.
Reach Out to An Automation Specialist
Mechatronic Solutions prides itself on being a premier provider of Omron products in MN, WI, SD, and ND. If you are considering an AMR, contact us directly. We have an LD-90 in house which we typically have scooting around our halls and causing a ruckus at tradeshows. Feel free to reach out, we’d love to discuss your applications and how AMRs may benefit.