IO-Link For JVL's Integrated Servo & Stepper Motors
JVL can now also connect to IO-Link via their new IO-Link gateway, which can be used on both their MAC® series of integrated servo motors and ServoStep™ series of integrated stepper motors.
IO-Link has been increasing in popularity as shown in the graph below.
Save Cost: IO-Link vs. Ethernet
Save between 10-15% in investment costs when integrating JVL drives (servos or steppers) by using IO-Link instead of a traditional Ethernet-based control network. In many applications where JVL drives are used, the specific axis is used as a setup axis with a minimal bandwidth and no hard timing requirement.
By using IO-Link and the new JVL IO-Link gateway, a JVL drive can be controlled directly from the PLC through an IO-Link Master. Although the IO-Link based JVL control wasn’t intended to be used in hard timing restrained applications, reaction times can be very low.
A bonus for the ServoStep™ integrated stepper motors is that up to five motors can be connected to one IO-Link gateway by utilizing multidrop topology on an internal JVL bus running between the motors.
All normal motion functions can be controlled through the IO-Link channel. For the Rockwell Automation environment, AOIs are supported.
The JVL IO-Link Gateway
The JVL IO-Link gateway is placed inside of a rugged metal tube. 2 LEDs indicate the current link status. The metal gateway screws directly into one of the M12 IO-connectors on the motor and an IO-Link cable is connected to the other end that goes directly into the IO-Link master. The JVL Gateway is delivered with either an 8, 12 or 17-pin connector depending on the type of drive used.
For the MAC® servo motor series, a MAC00-B4 module is required for each motor. These drives require one IO-Link gateway per drive.
For the ServoStep™ stepper motor series, the gateway tube connects directly to the 17-pin connector.
All-In-One Unit
JVL’s integrated motors have everything built-in, including motor, encoder, drive electronics, control electronics with ePLC, and optional Ethernet or CAN bus integrated into one compact unit. All major industrial Ethernet protocols are supported, including Profinet, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, SERCOS, Modbus TCP/UDP and Powerlink. Additional options include absolute multiturn encoders and safe torque off. Also included are 8 I/O points that can be individually configured as digital input or output – or analog input.
Mechatronic Solutions is a JVL distributor for Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and South Dakota. If you have any questions or would like more information on their integrated servo or stepper motors, please contact us and a member of our team will reach out to you.